Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Check Remittance Undefined Symbol Error When Upgrading to Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013

Customer upgraded from GP 8 to GP2013R2, with customized 'Remittance Report'. Error shows
Undefined Symbol F01343D00789 Sequence Num

Instead of re-implement customization, do below.
#1, Export modified report to *.package file through customization maintenance window.
#2, Open it using notepad
#3, Ctrl+H, replace PM_Payment_WORK with pmRemittanceTemp 
#4, Replace key from 7 to 3
#5, Import the *.package file back and overwrite the customized remittance report.

1 comment:

  1. You misspelled pmRemmittanceTemp. It should be pmRemittanceTemp
