Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Gp-How to change decimal point from more to less

----- Change Open transactions decdimal point ----
1. In Query Analyzer, run the script below:

Select * from sysobjects o, syscolumns c where = and o.type = 'U'
and = 'DECPLCUR'
order by

** This script will search the tables that have the DECPLCUR (Currency Decimal Places) as a column name.

2. List down the tables with Inventory (IV), Invoicing (IVC), Sales Order Processing (SOP) or Purchase Order Processing (POP) prefixes. We need to update these associated tables with the correct currency decimal places.

3. Update TABLENAME set DECPLCUR = '0' where ITEMNMBR = 'xxx'

(where xxx is the Item number of the item we need to increase)

Currency Decimal Place field in SQL Query Analyzer:

1 - 0 decimal place
2 - 1 decimal place
3 - 2 decimal places
4 - 3 decimal places
5 - 4 decimal places
6 - 5 decimal places


If you wanted to have 5 Decimal Places, the Update statement is:

Update IV10001 set DECPLCUR = '6' where ITEMNMBR = 'plug in item number'
---- Change UoM
4. Create a new Unit of Measure schedule in Great Plains with the new currency decimals of the item. This will have to have the same Base unit and Equivalencies as the OLD unit of measure schedule because you have Work transactions that are using them.

5. Run the script below so you will know what table to update to change your item's Unit of Measure Schedule in the back end.

Select * from sysobjects o, syscolumns c where = and o.type = 'U'
and = 'UOMSCHDL'
order by

6. Update TABLENAME set UOMSCHDL = 'plug in new Unit of Measure Schedule' where ITEMNMBR = 'plug in item number'


Since you wanted to have 5 quantity Decimal Places, the Update statement for a new unit of measure:

Update TABLENAME set UOMSCHDL = 'plug in new Unit of Measure Schedule' where ITEMNMBR = 'plug in item number'

7. The steps below may be taken care of with the Check Links file maintenance procedure (when run against IV, SOP and POP), but just to make sure we can also run the following steps:

In Query Analyzer, run the script below:

Select * from sysobjects o, syscolumns c where = and o.type = 'U'
and = 'DECPLQTY'
order by

** This script will search the tables that have the DECPLQTY (Quantity Decimal Places) as a column name.

8. List down the tables with Inventory (IV), Invoicing (IVC), Sales Order Processing (SOP) or Purchase Order Processing (POP) prefixes. We need to update these associated tables with the correct currency decimal places.

9. Update TABLENAME set DECPLQTY = '0' where ITEMNMBR = 'xxx'

(where xxx is the Item number of the item we need to increase)

Currency Decimal Place field in SQL Query Analyzer:

1 - 0 decimal place
2 - 1 decimal place
3 - 2 decimal places
4 - 3 decimal places
5 - 4 decimal places
6 - 5 decimal places


If you wanted to have 5 Decimal Places, the Update statement is:

Update IV10001 set DECPLQTY = '6' where ITEMNMBR = 'plug in item number'

10. Run Check Links on the Inventory, Sales and Purchasing Series to make sure that the transactions are updated with the correct Decimal Places.

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